The Division You Have Experienced Is Part of The Destruction of The Indoctrination, Says The Lord

49 “I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning! 50 I have a terrible baptism of suffering ahead of me, and I am under a heavy burden until it is accomplished. 51 Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other! 52 From now on families will be split apart, three in favor of me, and two against—or two in favor and three against.

53 ‘Father will be divided against son and son against father;
mother against daughter and daughter against mother;
and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law
and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.’

Luke 12:49-56

The Message From The Lord

The division in your life that you have experienced has been necessary, because I am doing a deep work within you, within all your loved ones, within all those people there have been in your life over the previous years.

It has been my division, because I have been separating out those who I have brought into the truth and those who aren't yet in the truth. The division that you have experienced has been absolutely essential. I know it has been heart-breaking. I know it has been challenging. I know it has been almost too incomprehensible to see the division, to see how people in your life, people that you love, to see how they have turned against you, to see how much disharmony has been generated during the last two years, but I am calling you to trust me.

Trust me because of the deep hidden work that I am doing. The work is so deep because of the depth of lies and deception that all my people have been subjected to. The deep work that I am doing is destroying falsehoods, destroying previous words of deception, destroying the indoctrination. Yes, I the Lord your God, I am destroying the indoctrination that has been upon my people, that I have allowed, and through the deep destruction of the indoctrination, I am taking more and more of my people into deeper and deeper darkness, because it is only then that my light, that my truth is going to shine so brightly in their life that they will come running to me.

So my precious, beloved Sons and Daughters, I am calling you now to trust in me and trust in my ways and trust in the work that I am doing that you cannot see in the hearts and minds of your loved ones. I am calling you to trust in me, to lean not on your own understanding. I have heard all your prayers. I know your heart's desires because it is I the Lord your God that has placed those desires upon your heart.

The division that you have experienced is part of the destruction of the indoctrination.

The disharmony that you have experienced is a part of the destruction of the indoctrination.

The devastation that you have experienced personally in your life is all part of the destruction of the indoctrination that I have been doing in your heart and mind and in the hearts and minds of those people closest to you.

Remember, my children, my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts, just as the heavens are higher than the earth.

I am the one that has sent all the locusts into your life and it is I the Lord your God that are sending the locusts into your loved ones’ lives, because I am destroying the works of darkness. I am destroying the deceptions. I am destroying the lies. I am destroying the indoctrination.

Now is this season where everything that has been done in dark is being brought to light, and it is my light because I am the light of the world. It is my light that is shining into all the darkness. I am ripping all the layers of indoctrination off. I am stripping my people down to the bone. I am taking my people, my chosen people, you and your family members that you are praying and interceding for, I am taking them down to a place where they cry out to Me. Where they cry out for truth and I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Embrace the division, embrace the destruction, embrace the devastation that I have had to bring into your life because I am destroying the years and years and years and years of indoctrination.

The more that you seek me, the more that I will reveal to you what I am doing in the hearts and minds of your loved ones. The more that you seek me, the more that my spirit will be upon you and the more revelations you will get, because you will be seeing my hand in the lives of your loved ones more and more and more. Remember my children, I am doing a deep, deep work in the hearts and minds of your loved ones, and I have been doing a deep, deep work within you. I am the mighty warrior that saves. I am the author and the finisher of your faith and the faith of all your loved ones, and my plans for your life, my plans for your loved ones, are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.

I am calling you to trust in me and in me alone. I am calling you to trust in the process. Trust me in the devastation that has been in your life.

Trust me in what has seemed like greater and greater darkness in your life and in your circumstances, because I the Lord your God, have always carried you through your dark valleys and I will always carry you through the dark valleys. Through everything that you have been going through, I have been refining you by fire. I have been destroying your old wineskins and creating in you new wineskins ready for me the Lord your God to pour into you my new wine.

New assignment.

New chapters in your life.

New breakthroughs.

New answers to prayers.

New provisions.

New glory.

New revelations.

New deeper love and new profound glory, for I am the King of glory.

When I send my Word out, it does not return to me void, it accomplishes all that I desire and it prospers everywhere that I send it.

My will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, for I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies have spoken.


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