When God Told Me “The Rapture & Mark of the Beast Isn’t Coming'‘

On Sunday 7th March 2021 I asked our Father:

“Father, please give me a vision and reveal to me what is to come in the world”

Below is a transcript of the spoken words I said that day as our Father began speaking to me.

Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come. ‭‭

Jeremiah‬ ‭33:3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Father I believe that what you are saying to me, what you are revealing to me, is that You are doing something so, so, so utterly profound. We have the Holy Bible. We have Revelation. We have the End Times. We have the Mark of the Beast. We have what has been going on in the world, and in particular the last 12 months, where all signs, all signs Father, has been pointing to Revelation, to the End Times, to the Mark of the Beast, to not been able to buy and sell things, to the rupture, to the return of Jesus. All things Father, the longer this has gone, the longer this pandemic, this planned pandemic, the longer it has gone on Father, the more and more it has seemed like this is the End Times, that we are living in the End Time, that we have been chosen to live in the End Times, that we are in Revelation, that we are heading towards the Mark of the Beast, that the vaccine is on the way to the Mark of the Beast, and that the Mark of the Beast is imminent and rapture is imminent, Father the more that you have allowed these things to go on in the world, the more and more it seems we are in End Times, in Revelation, but Father, how I have been hearing you over these last few minutes, when I asked you to reveal to me, to give me a revelation of what is going on and what is to come, what is the role for me, for my family, for my girls, your children Father, Father You revealed to me, that this isn't the End Times. We are not heading to the Mark of the Beast. We are not heading to Rapture. Instead Father, you have allowed the enemy to do the things that it is doing because you are in control, you are Sovereign, and Father, praise God hallelujah, in order to shine light and truth into humanity, humanity that has been blinded and deceived for far too long.

In order to do this, you have allowed the plans of Satan to push and push and push towards what appears to be the Rapture and the Mark of the Beast. You have allowed all these things to happen, Father, you have allowed the enemy to do the despicable, evil things that the enemy has been leading people to do over all these years Father, you have allowed this, you are allowing all these things come to light, you are allowing things to appear to be heading towards Rapture, to bring about the greatest ever revival. This isn’t rapture. We are not heading towards Rapture. Father, this has been your perfect plan all along, to lead humanity towards what appears to be the Rapture and the Mark of the beast, when it isn't Father.

This is your miraculous profound work, your plan, your will.

Oh, Holy Holy is Your Name.

Thank you Jesus.

The walls of Jericho, just as the walls of Jericho came crumbling down Father, all the lies, all the deception, all the corruption, it is going to come crumbling down. The New World Order will not come in the name of Jesus Christ. This is all going to come crumbling down Father, in the name of Jesus Christ.

This isn't the Great Reset, this is THE GREAT REVIVAL.

There is no upcoming Mark of the Beast, there is no upcoming Rapture, we are not in Revelation, but Father, your perfect plan, your will Father, has allowed the enemy to try and deceive, to deceive the world, and to deceive pastors around the world into believing that we are in End Time, but this is not End Times, this is the Great Revival.

Oh Holy Spirit hallelujah thank you Jesus.

In order to bring about the greatest ever Revival, in order to shine light into every single person around the world, for them to see and touch and experience evil and darkness Father, for them to experience this, you needed to allow Satan to do the things that Satan has been doing Father, because just like it was only through Your authority that Satan could punish Job in the ways that Satan punish Job Father, it is only by Your will and by Your authority that Satan has been doing the things that it has been doing it this last 12 months and over all the years, because your perfect plan and your perfect will has been to allow Satan to recreate End Times, to recreate Revelation almost, and to threaten the Mark of the Beast, to threaten, oh hallelujah, to threaten people that they won't be able to buy and sell without this Mark Father, to threaten this evil, to threaten this tyranny, to threaten this communism, you have allowed all this to happen, Father, to expose the evil in this world, to expose Satan for who Satan is, the father of lies, the crushed, defeated, dirty defeated devil.

I say to Satan right now it is finished. I say to Satan it is finished, your schemes and devices are null and void.

Holy Holy is Your name Father.

Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.

Thank you Father. Father thank you, that you are going to use me and my entire family to preach the Gospel, to share the Good News, to shine light into this spiritual warfare that we have been going through as a family, my entire family Father, my entire family. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Father.

Thank You, Father. Thank You, Jesus.

Thank You Father that remaining was two hours and 22 minutes and almost 22 seconds when I looked at my phone, when I looked at the recording on Day One. Thank You, Jesus.

Father, You are worthy of all praise, you are worthy of all praise.

Thank you Father, thank You Jesus, ou are the way, the truth and the life, the only way to salvation. Jesus, you are the same yesterday, today and forever. Thank you for this vision. Thank you Father for this vision.

I give you all the glory, praise and honour. I thank You for every single one of the people that you have brought into my life Father, the Kingdom connections. I declare and decree Your blessings, Your miracles, signs and wonders to be their portion. May You have an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon them.

Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.

Every single person that I have connected with, that you have brought me into the life of, all my family, all Clare’s family, Clare and all her family, all the brothers and sisters in Christ, those that aren’t yet born-again, all the people you've connected me to on Facebook, on Facebook groups, all the people that I have met Father, all the people that you would lead me into the lives of this last 12-18 months, I declare and decree in the name of Jesus Christ, that they have all been chosen to be free, and who the Son sets free is free indeed. I asked Father for you to pour out Your Holy Spirit upon them.

Thank you, Jesus, thank You, Father. Thank you.


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