Are You Ready To Find The One? Asks The Lord

My beloved child, are you ready to begin leaving the 99 to find the 1?

Are you ready for me to use you to save people's lives?

Are you ready to be my messenger to bring the Good News to the one?

The one who has reached the end of themselves…

The one who is wearing a mask to the world…

The one who is feeling helpless…

The one who is feeling hopeless…

The one who was raised in religion and has not yet come into a relationship with me…

The one who has been hurt by religious people and has not yet had the revelation of me…

The one who is living their life feeling like no-one loves them…

The one who is living their life believing that they are unlovable…

The one who is living a life of condemnation…

The one who is living with unforgiveness in their heart…

The one who is living with jealousy…

The one who is living with envy…

The one who is living with pride…

The one who is living in fear…

The one who has been battling with that voice in their head for many, many years.

The one who has been feeling suicidal…

The one who is grieving the loss of a close family member…

The one who is heartbroken because their marriage broke down…

The one who has lived their life without one of their parents…

The one who has lived their life not knowing their parents…

The one who is living with shame from things they have done in their life…

The one who is living with consuming guilt for how they have hurt other people…

The one who has been mocked and ridiculed for not trusting in their government…

The one who has been campaigning alongside 10s of 1000s of others against the corrupt rule of man…

The one who is currently lost in New Age teachings and doesn't know the way out…

The one who is struggling to sleep at night for they are being tormented by the enemy…

The one who is wealthy in the bank, but poor in their spirit…

The one who appears to be living a picture-perfect life, yet they are dead inside…

The one living with an addiction to alcohol…

The one living with an addiction to drugs…

The one living with an addiction to smoking…

The one living with an addiction to porn…

The one living with an addiction to gambling…

The one living with an addiction to sex…

The one trapped into believing they have a mental illness that is not curable…

The one trapped in to taking pharmaceutical drugs every day…

The one living with a terminal illness…

The one living with a disability…

The one living their life angry at me, God Almighty, for the things they have experienced in their life…

The one who has been sexually abused, and has never been able to trust people since…

The one who has been psychologically abused, and is now living their life paranoid and mistrusting others…

The one who does not yet know that many are called but few, including them, have been chosen…

The one who does not yet know that I have plans for their life, plans for good and not for disaster, to give them a future and a hope…

The one living their life in sin yet believing their good works will get them into heaven…

The one living their life lukewarm and who does not yet know my Word for themselves…

The one living with a heart of stone wrapped in chains of bondage to their past…

The one living in bondage…

The one who my Spirit will lead YOU into the life of to share the Good News…

My beloved child, look around, the harvest is EVERYWHERE!!!

The harvest is EVERYWHERE that you go during your day-to-day life.

Yes, the workers are few but I the Lord your God are sending you and more and more of my chosen people into the field.


During 2024 and beyond, the harvest that I have prepared, that is coming, is greater than any harvest anyone walking the earth today has ever experienced during their lifetime.

My beloved child, as you have been receiving my words, I have been filling you with my Spirit.

Not by your strength, not by your might, but by my Spirit, you are going to be leaving the 99 to find the one time and time and time again.

Remember, my command to you is to freely give as you have freely received.

Remember, if you deny me here upon the earth before men, I will also deny you before my Father who is in Heaven… but my beloved child, as you confess me here on earth before men, you too I will confess before my Father who is in Heaven.

Remember, I the Lord your God have not given you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love and a spirit of a sound mind.

As you truly begin to live your life outside of your comfort zone, my promise to you, my beloved child, is that you will go from glory to glory to glory to glory, as one of my chosen glory carriers.

Allow my Spirit to lead you to the one each and every time, for you to share the Good News and for you to offer to pray for the one whom you have never met before.

My Kingdom come, my will be done, in earth as it is in Heaven, says I, the Holy One of Israel, the King of Glory.


I Am Bringing You Up Higher & Higher & Higher, Says The Lord


Once You Begin You Will Never Want To Stop, Says The Lord