Once You Begin You Will Never Want To Stop, Says The Lord

My beloved child, once you begin you will never want to stop.

Once you begin your life in me will never be the same.

Once you begin you will ask yourself “Why didn't I start doing this earlier?”

Once you begin you will start to truly comprehend the purpose of your life on earth.

Once you begin you will find yourself hearing my voice more and more and more in your day to day life.

Once you begin your faith will go stronger each day.

Once you begin you will truly comprehend that all the pain that you have suffered during your life has always had a divine purpose.

Once you begin you will start seeing my glory in your life each day.

Once you begin you will start seeing people brought to tears.

Once you begin you will begin seeing miracles, signs and wonders unlike you have experienced before.

Once you begin you will wake up each morning with an excitement and an expectancy of what I have ordained for you to experience that day.

Once you begin you will never look back.

My beloved child, many are called but few are chosen.

I have chosen you, before I created the heavens and the earth, to be one of my increasing number of disciples walking the earth.

I have chosen you to be one of my glory carriers.

I have chosen you to be my hands and feet each and every day.

I have put my Spirit into you, and greater is the Spirit that is in you than the spirit that is in the world.

The same power that raised me from the dead lives in you.

I the Lord your God have not given you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love and a spirit of a sound mind.

My beloved, fearfully and wonderfully made child, once you begin speaking to strangers to share with them the Good News and to share with them that I love them, your life will NEVER be the same.

As you have been receiving my words here, my fire, my devouring fire, has been destroying the spirit of fear that has held you back from talking to complete strangers about me, your Lord and Saviour.

Once you begin being a messenger to bring Good News to the broken, to the addicted, to the lost, to the condemned, to the unforgiving, to the prideful, to the angry, to the bitter, to the jealous, to the envious, to those putting a mask on to the world… once you begin you will start to see the gifts of my Spirit coming forth in you and through you.

Once you begin you will start experiencing your life going from glory to glory to glory, as I the Lord your God, by my Spirit, give you divine encounter after divine encounter after divine encounter.

My beloved child, live your life worthy of the calling that you have received, for you have been called by me, the Lord your God, to be my hands and feet upon the earth.

Remember, you will also do the same things that I have done and even greater things.

Once you begin, your life in me, the Lord your God, will never, ever be the same, says I the King of Glory.


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