Boris Johnson, It Is Useless For You To Fight Against My Will, Says The Lord

Boris, I have called you by name. I am the Lord your God. I am the author and finisher of your faith. Boris, why are you persecuting me? It is useless for you to fight against my will. I am Jesus Christ, the one you are persecuting. You are mine. There is a calling upon your life Boris from me, the Lord of lords, the King of kings, that name above all names.

Before I created the heavens and the earth, I planned out your entire family through all the generations, and I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the resurrection and the life. I know all things, I see all things. I have seen every sin that you and everyone in your entire family bloodline have ever committed. I have heard every lie that has come from your tongue. There is blood on your hands, but I the Lord your God, I surrendered my life, I was crucified, I was nailed to the cross, for you, Boris. By my blood, your sins are forgiven by your Abba Father. Now Boris, because I am the Lord of Heaven’s Armies and because I the Lord your God, have got plans for your life, as you are reading and hearing my words to you here now, the veil is being lifted, the scales are now falling from your eyes. I am the way maker. I am the chain breaker. I am the King of glory, and I have now given you Boris, the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

You will NEVER again worship the god of the world. You will never again worship false idols as you now come into total and utter repentance. You will now begin following everything that I have prepared you, for I the Lord your God will now begin sending you out as My servant, as My disciple, as My apostle. I the Lord your God, the one who has you and every person walking the earth in the palm of my hand, I am going to strip away from you everything that is not of me, everything that is part of your old wineskins, your old habits, your old behaviours, your sins, your darkness, every part of your entire being that is not for me. I am now going to be ruthlessly removing it from you. And there is nothing that you can do, because my will for your life Boris, will be done.

And this process for you Boris and your family is going to be painful. Yes, I am bringing into your life the most painful experiences of your life, because, I the Lord your God, I am now sending you into the fire, into the refiners fire, and the fire that I am sending you into is going to get hotter and hotter and hotter.

I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I have given Satan the authority to bring destruction into you and your family's life and like Job, you will be worshipping me and glorifying me through every single trial that I am now going to be sending you through, because you Boris and your entire family, you came naked from the womb and you will leave the earth naked.

The hopping locusts and the stripping locusts are being sent into you and your family's life, and through every trial, every tribulation, every act of destruction from Satan, as I am purifying you by fire, you will be glorifying me. You and your family members who have been planning and committing acts of evil, you and your family who have been lying, you and your family who have been denying me, you and your family who have all been living in sin with a love of money which is the root of all evil, you will be violently sick because, through your generational bloodline, there have been so many sins, so much iniquity, so many things that I detest, that Satan, the accuser, that roams around the earth looking for people to devour, there has been over generations, the build up of iron bars, chains of bondage. There have been generational curses upon your family bloodline. There have been ancestral curses on your bloodline. There is blood on the hands of your family Boris.

Everyone walking the earth is going to see that I the Lord of lords, the King of kings, the name above all names, I work in all things for good, for those who love me, and for those who live according to my purpose for them.

I the Lord your God, brought you into the positions that you have had during your life. My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I am the Lord of lords.

I am the King of kings.

I am the name above all names.

I am the resurrection and the life.

I am the light of the world.

I am the true vine.

I am the bread of life.

I am the same yesterday, today and forever.

I am the King of glory.

I am the Alpha and the Omega.

I am the author and finisher of your faith Boris and the faith of every single person walking the earth.

My glory is coming upon the earth in 2022, and I the Lord your God will be using you Boris in ways in which will be incomprehensible.

No eyes have seen, no ears have heard or no minds have conceived what I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies have got planned for those that love me.

The Lord of Heaven’s Armies has spoken.


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