Carrie Madej, I Am Using You In Destroying The Spirit of Pharmakeia, Says The Lord

My beloved, precious, fearfully and wonderfully made daughter, Carrie. I, the Lord your God, I'm so proud of you. You are my loyal servant. You are so precious in my eyes. Through your prayers of intercession, through your integrity, through your love, through your empathy, through your talents, through your gifts, there have been many, many people that have come to my feet because of the things that you have said and the things that you have done. You can do all things through me, who gives you strength. My loyal servant Carrie, all you have is because of me. Before I created the heavens and the earth, I planned for you. I laid out every single day of your life, every moment was written in my book. And my precious daughter, Carrie, I the Lord your God, I have only just gotten started moving in your life.

Let the tears flow, my beloved Carrie. I am immersing you now with my spirit beyond anything you have experienced before. From my belly now is coming rivers of living waters. I am now flooding you, your entire life, your entire being, your family, your circumstances, your home, everything in your life, I am now flooding with my rivers of living waters. The areas of your life, of your circumstances, that have been the hardest, those that have seemed like dry wastelands, those things that have seemed impossible to break, to change. The prayers that you have prayed that haven't previously been answered, I am now beginning to answer those prayers as I am pouring out my living waters into all areas of dryness.

Your eyes haven't seen Carrie, your ears haven't heard, and your mind hasn't conceived, what I the Lord your God have got planned for you and your family. My glory is coming into all your lives unlike anything you have seen before. Through you and your families words of prayer of intercession, you are going to be seeing the most profound resurrection of the dead being brought to life. The people in your life and the people I will be bringing into your life, whom it is seemed impossible that they will turn to me, I am the God of the impossible. My will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. People may plan all kinds of things, but my will is going to be done, and I am the chain breaker. I am the one who breaks off every single generational curse that has been affecting your family and other people's families. Every chain breaks in my name, as I am now pouring out my spirit and my living waters into your life, my beloved daughter Carrie.

I am giving you now the most profound increase in the power and the authority that you carry, power and authority that you have never experienced before. You and your family, you are all chosen by me, by name, to be my glory carriers. My glory is going to be resonating through you and your family unlike anything that you've experienced before. My love is going to be flowing through you all into the hearts and minds of all the people who know you now and who I will be bringing into your life. There are going to be multitudes of people walking the earth that will come to see you, your family, to hear you, to listen to you, to receive your words, to receive your prayers, to receive your prophetic words. Yes, your prophetic words, because I have called you and your family, to be prophets to the nations.

I have placed to where I have placed you. I have given you the life experiences I have given you. I have given you the talents that I have given you, because you my beloved Carrie, you are a quite essential part of what I am doing across the earth, because I am cleansing by my name, by my power and by my blood, I am cleansing all the sins, all the iniquities, all the deception, all the evil, all the corruption, within the entirety of the medical industry. From top to bottom, I, the Lord your God, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the name above all names, I am uprooting all spirits of evil, of wickedness.

I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the name above all names, I am dismantling and destroying the spirit of Pharmakeia. Yes, I am going to demolish, destroy the spirit of Pharmakeia, for I the Lord your God, for I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, has spoken.

My beloved servant, Carrie, I am now giving you every single spiritual gift. You will now begin operating in every single spiritual gift. I will now begin using you to speak my words and my messages into people in positions of authority, of leadership, of power, of influence, across the pharmaceutical industry and across the medical profession. And my Words, when I send them out through you, they will accomplish all that I desire. Everywhere I send them out through you and all my other chosen prophets, they will prosper everywhere they go. My Word is sharper than any two edged sword. People may plan all kinds of things, but my will is going to be done.

The time is now. I am beginning to pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and through the spoken words by you, my beloved Carrie, and all my chosen prophets and all those who don't yet know that they have been chosen by me, by my will, through all the words being spoken out, My glory is coming upon people. My spirit is being poured out upon people. I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Army, I am lifting the veil. The scales are falling from people's eyes and there is nothing that anyone could do about it.

I am the King of glory. I am the author and the finisher of every single person's faith, every single person walking the earth. I have everyone in the palm of my hand. It is I, the Lord of Heaven’s armies, the Lord of lords, who has carried every single person walking the earth, through every single battle, and every single valley that they've ever been through. And now, it is my time to pour out My glory across the earth. I say open up ancient gates, open up ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter.

Demonic powers, principalities, strongmen, curses, they are being destroyed throughout the earth, as I speak these words know, and from this moment forward, my beloved Carrie, and your family, through my spirit being upon you all, through me giving you the power and the authority to trample upon lions and cobras and to crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet, and because it is I the Lord your God, that has placed my spirit within you all, and the spirit within you all is greater than the spirit that is in the world, and that you all can do ALL things through me who gives you strength, and that it is I that works through you, you are my hands and feet, and the weapons that you fight with are not of the world, on the contrary, they have divine power to break down strongholds. And yes, you, my beloved Carrie, and your family, and all those people I am raising up across the earth, are going to be seeing demonic powers and principalities that have been in place for generations and generations, you will see them destroyed by my Word, by my fire, by my blood, because my blood that I shed on the cross is enough to cleanse the entirety of the earth of the sins and iniquities that have ever been committed.

Nothing is going to stop what I am doing across the earth. I am the Lord of Heavens Armies. Miracles, signs and wonders are coming into your life, my beloved Carrie and all your family, unlike anything you have seen before. Miracle healings are going to be manifesting in front of your eyes. The sick, the broken, the helpless and the hopeless, are going to become running, yes, running, to see and to hear and to watch you and your family speak and to share, to share my Word, to speak, to prophesy, to prayer, to intercede, and through all of this, you will be giving me the Lord your God, all the glory, all the praise and all the honour.

My beloved daughter Carrie, you and your family and all those who are reading these words, you have all been chosen to be free and who I set free is free indeed. The dry bones are going to be coming alive, as you take my word in Ezekiel 37, the spiritually dead are being brought to life. People in positions of power and authority, the kings, the rulers, the most wealthiest families in the world, the high ranking Freemasons, the Jesuits, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Roman Catholics, all those that have been persecuting me, all those who have been denying me, all those that have been living in sin, all those have been planning and committing evil, all those who have been complicit in darkness and evil, my spirit is coming upon them because I know all hearts and minds and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I am beginning to bring people into the most radical repentance that you can possibly imagine.

I am the King of kings, the Lord of lords. Through the stripes on my back, my people are healed. I am the miracle worker. I am your healer. I am healing brokenness. I am healing the brokenhearted. I am giving people hearts of flesh from hearts of stone. I am setting people free from years and years and years and years of spiritual bondage. I am healing the mentally oppressed, I am breaking off them the chains of bondage and the generational curses that has led them to be diagnosed with bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD, depression, anxiety, paranoia. I am the chain breaker, I am breaking the chains off people. I am their healer, and my peace is a gift the world cannot give you. My peace surpasses all understanding and it guards the hearts and minds of you, my beloved Carrie and your family and all my chosen people. And my peace, it surpasses all understanding, and it guards all hearts and minds.

I am the mighty warrior that saves. I am reaching into the deepest, darkest oceans. I am going into the miry clay. I am rescuing and saving my people, my precious chosen people who are all fearfully and wonderfully made, because I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Army, I want everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. But my divine plan for everyone walking the earth is to reveal sin, to reveal evil, to reveal darkness, to everybody. Over the last two years and during 2022 now, everything that has been done in dark will be brought to light. I am lifting the lid. I am shining a light into all the darkness. I am revealing all sin, all acts of evil, of wickedness, I am exposing the world's largest secret society Freemasons, for what it covers up. I have reached the end of my grace, my grace for sin, iniquity, for people planning and committing evil acts. I have seen everything. I know everything. I have seen every act of evil, of wickedness that has ever been committed. I have seen every single act of sacrifice. I have seen everything. I have seen every single child that has been taken away from their mother. I have seen every single lie that has ever come out of a judge's mouth. I have seen every act of injustice. I have seen every single tear that every single widow and every single child has ever shed. And I have captured every single one of those tears in my bottle. And my people now across the earth, who were sown with tears, are going to reap with joy. I am bringing my joy into their lives. I am raising the dead to life, I am lifting the veil. The scales are falling from their eyes.

The oppressed are been redeemed. Those who have been living with injustices are going to see justice. Children are going to be brought back into the arms of their mum. I am healing families brokenness. I am reconciling families. I am healing people's hearts and minds. I am raising the dead to life. I am bringing the prodigal sons and daughters back home, for I the Lord of Heaven’s armies has spoken.

My beloved Carrie, thank you for everything that you have done in my name and for My glory. Be prepared, as you devour my word unlike anything you've ever experienced before. I will be giving you new and fresh revelations each day. I am going to be using you and your family in the most miraculous ways. You are going to be falling down to your knees in floods of tears. Tears of joy, tears of breakthrough, of victory. Tears with you having seen me move in the most miraculous ways.

Embrace everything that I will be bringing into your life because my way is perfect, and I have been perfecting you, I have been purifying you. The testing of your faith has produced perseverance. I have been purifying your heart, your mind and your faith, and your faith is now so purified in me, that the way I am going to be using you is going to be leaving you speechless. I am the Lord your God. I am the King of glory. My glory is coming upon the earth, for I the Lord have spoken.


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