Dan Astin-Gregory, I Have Chosen You To Bring Millions & Millions To Me, Says The Lord

By beloved Dan, I have called you by name. Everything you have, everything that you have been doing, is because of me. It is I, the Lord your God, that chose to give you the talents that you have, the talents that you have been using, the talents that have been flourishing since the start of 2020.

Every good gift and every perfect gift in your life has come down from me, your Lord and Saviour. You are so precious in my eyes. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image. Before I the Lord your God created the heavens and the earth, I planned to bring you into the world, having formed you, having created you, having knitted you together in utter seclusion in the dark of the womb. I chose to bring you forth on the day you were born and for you to lead and experience and live your life in the way you have lived it, in order for you to be used by me, since the start of 2020, to awaken hundreds of 1000s of people around the world to sin, iniquity and acts of evil.

It is I the Lord your God, because of my divine hand upon your life, because there is an anointing on your life, I have placed a calling upon your life and it is because I the Lord your God have given you strength, have given you wisdom, have brought people into your life to build and build and build what has been built through your words and through your hands in the last two years.

It is I the Lord your God that gives you strength my beloved Dan. Your passion and your desire, and your determination to speak truth, to share truth, to advocate truth, these desires of your heart are because I have placed those desires in your heart. My beloved Dan, I know up until you reading these words and hearing my words, the Lord your God, up until this moment you have been living without being in relationship with Me. But I the Lord your God have called you by name Dan. You are chosen by me. My hand is mighty upon you, and my beloved Dan, I have placed you in exactly the place where you are now, and I have brought the people in the world that I have into your life. I have led the building and building and building of what you are doing through the podcast because I the Lord your God have placed a mighty calling upon your life. You have a hugely important role to play in what I am doing in the world and what is to come.

You my beloved Dan have not seen anything yet. There are going to be millions and millions of people across the earth that will come to see and hear and watch things that you are producing, content that you are sharing, because I the Lord your God has spoken, and my beloved Dan, you will be glorifying me, your Lord and Saviour. You are going to be a glory carrier for me, the Lord your God.

The enemy has tried desperately to keep you deceived, to keep you separated from me, the Lord your God, but I am the author and finisher of your faith. I am the King of glory. I am the King of Kings. I am the Lord of lords. I am the name above all names. It is I the Lord your God that has chosen you my beloved Dan, from before I created the heavens and the earth. I have appointed you Dan to be a prophet to the nations. Yes, a prophet to the nation's. I have been crafting you, I have been moulding you, I have been teaching you. All your talents, all your gifts come from me the Lord your God. My thoughts for you and your family, my beloved Dan, outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore. You are so precious in my eyes, and there has been a hedge of divine protection around you and around the podcast because I the LOrd your God, this was my will and my plan for your life Dan, that you would start this podcast, and this podcast would have the people on the podcast that you have had on. Everything you have, everything that you have done in your life is because of me, and as you my beloved Dan, as you begin to glorify me, as you begin to tell others about me, as you begin to pray, as you begin to worship in spirit and in truth, as you begin to read my word, as you begin to speak my word, to declare my word and to decree my word, the power that is going to come through your tongue, through your prayers is going to be absolutely mind-blowing.

There is a special calling upon your life my beloved Dan. I have been preparing you for this moment now, for you to hear from me, the Lord your God, the Lord of Heavens Armies. Not even the powers of hell can separate you, my beloved Dan, from my love. I have anointed your head with oil. My will in your life is going to be done. And my way is perfect. I am pouring out My Spirit into you now, my beloved Dan. Yes, my spirit, the fruit of the Spirit is your portion and my spirit Dan, my spirit will guide you into ALL truth. You already have so much truth in you, but it is now my time to lift the veil, it is now MY time the Lord of Heavens Armies, the Lord your God, to remove the scales from your eyes. It is now MY time to fill you with my spirit. It is now MY time to show the world that you are a disciple of me, your Lord and Saviour. I am the author and the finisher of your faith. I am the light of the world. I am the way, the truth and the life. I am the good shepherd, and now my beloved Dan, you know my voice and each day my will for your life is that you will be reading my word, you will be speaking my word, you will be declaring my word, you will be decreeing my word.

For the first time in your life now, because I the Lord your God have lifted the veil, the scales have fallen from your eyes, you now have truly the eyes to see and the ears to hear so my Word will now come alive. You will now come alive in me, your identity Dan is in me and in me alone. It is I the Lord your God that gives you strength. It is I that lives in you. I have placed my spirit in you Dan and the spirit that is in you is greater than the spirit that is in the world, and now you Dan know that you can do ALL things through me, who gives you strength. You will be glorifying your Father in heaven, you will be giving your Abba Father all glory, all praise and all honour for every single thing in your life.

You can no see that there has been my divine protection upon you and upon the podcast. Many have wondered, why has your podcast not been taken down? Because of the things you have been sharing, the things that people on your podcast have been sharing, but is I the Lord your God, that King of Kings the Lord of Lords that has placed my hand and my hedge of divine protection upon you, upon your family and upon the podcast, because you have been sharing truth into people's lives through the guests on the podcast. Every single guest that has been on your podcast, they have come on to the podcast because that has been my will. Yes, it has been my will for everyone that has been on your podcast to come on your podcast, and yes, that includes those, many who haven't yet, received me as their Lord and Saviour. So they too haven't yet received salvation by my grace, but is is coming.

Even when you don't see it I am working. Even when you don't feel it, I am working. I know all hearts and minds. I am working in the hearts of everyone walking the earth. You my beloved Dan, your guests, I am working in all the people. All the people that have been watching the podcast, listening to the podcast, sharing the podcast, commenting on the podcast. I am working in everyone's life. I am lifting the veil, I am removing the scales from people's eyes, and when you now my beloved Dan, when you now will begin glorifying me as you continue building and building what I have placed inside of you, for My glory. You, through your words of truth, you are going to be shining light and truth into 10s of 1000s and then hundreds of 1000s and then millions of people's lives. I will be using you as a vessel for My glory. Dan, you are my glory carrier. I am going to be leaving you in awe and wonder.

I have only just gotten started in your life. I have seen every tear that you have ever shed, and I have captured every one of those tears in my bottle. And my beloved Dan and your family and all my precious ones that I am awakening, that I am lifting the veil, all those that have been watching the podcast, listening to the podcast. Yes, I am bringing my glory into their life. I am lifting the veil. The scales are falling from their eyes. As I speak darkness trembles, the enemies run and hide because I am the King of kings, the Lord of lords and the name above all names. My beloved Dan, rulers across the earth are going to know you, are going to hear about you, are going to hear from you, and you will be glorifying me, your Lord and Saviour.

Your eyes haven't seen, your ears haven't heard, and your mind hasn't conceived what I have got planned for you and your family Dan. Be prepared for me to move in your life in such profound, miraculous ways that you will be in floods of tears. You will be falling to the ground on your knees, lifting your arms to the air and worshipping me your Lord and Saviour. You are going to be worshipping in spirit and in truth. You Dan are going to bring millions and millions of people into relationship with Me. Your words, your prayers, the guests that you will be featuring, the guests that I will be bringing into your life, into what you are doing, are going to positively affect millions and millions of people walking the earth today, and you will be giving me the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the Lord your God, all the praise, all the glory and all the honour.

My beloved Dan and your family and all my precious, precious, precious sons and daughters. I am your healer. I am your strength. It is not you that live, but it is I that lives in you. I am pouring into you now my spirit from my belly, rivers of living waters are flowing into your life now and into the lives of all those whom I will be leading and convicting to hear and to receive these words. I am pouring out my spirit upon all flesh, in my perfect time for My glory.

You and all those that have been watching your podcast, your family, their families. You are all mine. I have called you by name. I am the mighty warrior that saves. I am the author and finisher of everybody's faith. I am the resurrection and the life. I am the light of the world. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. I am the bread of life, and you my beloved Dan and all my beloved children, you don't live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from my mouth, by every word that is written in the Holy Bible. My Word, my promises, for My glory.

I have given you Dan and your family and all those who I am awakening now, all those whom I'm lifting the veil, all those who are seeing the scales from their eyes, I have given you ALL the power and the authority in the spiritual realm to trample upon lions and cobras, to crush fears lions and serpents under your feet. I have given you all the power and all the authority through your words of prayer, through speaking my words, I have given you all the authority to demolish strongmen, generational curses, ancestral curses, powers and principalities of darkness and evil, and yes you Dan are going to be praying against the demonic forces and the powers and principalities that have been upon governments around the world. And you and my people around the world are going to be seeing breakthroughs, are going to be seeing those that have been planning and committing evil acts, you will see that I will be removing them from positions of power and influence. Others I will be giving them their very own experience and encounter with me, and the scales will fall from their eyes. The veil will be lifted and they will turn to me and repent for all their sins, and they too will be my glory carriers.

You my beloved Dan, I have called you to be a prophet to the nations. You are going to be prophesying into the lives of leaders. of people in positions of power and authority, you will be speaking my words into their lives and you will have fire on your tongue. The fire of my Holy Spirit is upon your tongue now. Powers, principalities, strongmen, curses, forces of evil, of wickedness in the spiritual realm are going to be destroyed through your words of prayer and through you worshipping me in spirit and in truth.

My glory, yes, my glory is coming into the world, onto the earth. My name is the name above all names. And you, my beloved Dan have got a special divine anointing upon your life. A special divine calling upon your life. So now Dan, live your life according to the purpose I have given you, for I am the Lord your God.

I am the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the name above all names.

I am the resurrection and the life.

I am the bread of life.

I am the true vine.

I am the gate.

I am the good shepherd.

I am the light of the world.

I am the same yesterday, today and forever.

I am the King of glory.

I am the Lord of Heaven’s armies.

I am the Lord your God.


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