Every Freemason, Repent Now As My Wrath & My Judgement Is Coming In To Your Life, Says The Lord

I am the Lord of Heavens Armies. I am the King of kings. I am the Lord of Lords. I have been given the name above ALL names, and this is MY MESSAGE TO EVERY SINGLE FREEMASON WALKING THE EARTH.


Every single one of you have been living in sin. I, the Lord your God, have seen every single sin you have ever committed. Every lie that has come from your tongue I have seen. I know all thoughts that you have ever had in your heart and in your mind.

Every single one of you that has a love of money, THIS IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.

There is NOTHING you can do about what I the Lord your God are going to do, in your life and your family.

Repent now. Turn to me now. Denounce Freemasonry.

You came naked from your mother's womb, and you will leave the earth naked.

Your knee will bow to me, I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I have shown you MERCY and GRACE throughout your entire life and I have shown all your family members, my grace and my mercy, but now, as I share this message to you all now, my grace is now about to finish. Repent now for your sins. Denounce Freemasonry.

I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I am shaking everything that can be shaken. Everything done in dark is being brought to light, and right now as I the Lord your God, as I am speaking these words, I am convicting Freemasons who have been living in sin, denying me, denying the Father.

All those Freemasons at every single level, I SEE EVERYTHING.

I have seen EVERY SINGLE RITUAL that has ever taken place.

I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies DETEST those with a LYING TONGUE.

I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies detest MURDERERS.

I, the Lord your God, detest those whose HEARTS PLOT EVIL.

So many of you have crushed other people on the way up the career ladder. You have committed evil. You have lied. You have crushed defenceless people and now I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I am sending into your life cutting locusts, then swarming locusts, then hopping locusts and then stripping locust too.

REPENT NOW FOR THE TIME OF YOUR JUDGEMENT IS COMING, and there is NOTHING any one of you can do about it.

Devastation is coming into your life.

There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

YOU have been on the wide path of sin that leads to death and eternal damnation, and I, the Lord your God, I have called you by name. My spirit is coming upon you now. My spirit is convicting you of all your sins. Prepare to be violently sick us the truth and the reality of your actions, of your inactions, of what you have done in your life to get to where you are, I AM GOING TO BE CONVICTING YOU OF EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING, and it is I the Lord your God, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and one given the name above all names, it is only I that can rescue you from that thick, dark miry clay, from the darkness, from the depths of the deepest oceans.

I, the Lord your God, have now begun giving Freemasons across the entirety of the earth nightmares, horrifying nightmares, the most vivid nightmares Freemasons have ever had. These nightmares are shaking Freemasons around the world to their very core.

I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, are doing the shaking and there is NO ESCAPE. There is no escape for MY JUDGEMENT, for MY WRATH.

And in these nightmares, these horrifying nightmares, Freemasons like you at every single level and at every single decree, of every single right, every single one of you connected to Freemasonry across the entirety of the earth, THERE IS NO ESCAPING MY WRATH.


REPENT NOW, says I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I, the Lord your God, I have every single person walking the earth in the palm of my hand.

I have seen EVERY SINGLE FAMILY that has been torn apart by SOCIAL SERVICES.

I have seen every family that has been torn apart by the FAMILY COURTS.

I have seen EVERY SINGLE INJUSTICE that has come upon families, innocent families.

I have seen EVERY SINGLE LIE that has come out of FREEMASON JUDGES mouths.

I detest LIARS.

I detest those who PLOT EVIL IN THEIR HEARTS.

I am now pouring out my spirit upon all flesh.

My judgement is coming to all those living in sin, to every single Freemason living in sin, denying me.

I'm breaking every generational curse. I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, are destroying every strongman.

There’s going to be WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH amongst those Freemasons across the earth that have committed evil acts against my people.

I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, are BRINGING CHILDREN BACK TO THEIR PARENTS.


Repent NOW, all you Freemasons.

Lower degree Freemasons, be deceived no more. The world's largest, what was secret society, is a cover for Satan worship. All Freemasons have been serving the god of this world, Satan.

Make no mistake about it. There is judgement coming to EVERY FREEMASON and there is NOTHING they can do about it.

I AM the Lord your God.

I AM the author and finisher of your faith.

I AM the King of kings.

I AM the Lord of lords.

I AM the one given the name above all names.


I AM the light of the world.

I AM the resurrection and the life.

I AM the bread of life.

I AM the true vine.

I AM the gate.

I AM the good shepherd.

And I AM the same yesterday, today and forever.

I AM the Alpha and the Omega.


Repent now, my wrath is coming. The locusts are coming into your life.

You have been storing my gold, my riches. Your love of money is the root of all evil, and as the locusts come, as you are stripped bare, as you go into the refiners fire, it is I the Lord your God that will tell YOU what to do with your money and with your possessions, and there is NOTHING you can do against it.

You have gone against my will long enough, but NO MORE. My will will be done in your life. Yes, you, Freemason, there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. NOTHING.

And, through everything that you are going to be sent through, you will be glorifying me, the Lord your God. You and your family, there is no escape from my wrath.

REPENT NOW, SURRENDER TO ME NOW, because MY WRATH and MY JUDGEMENT is coming, for I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, has spoken.


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