Reiner Fuellmich, The Calling Upon Your Life From Me Is Beyond Anything You Can Imagine, Says The Lord

My beloved Son Reiner, I am the Lord your God. I am the author and the finisher of your faith. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I have called you by name. Before I created the heavens and the earth, I appointed you, my beloved Reiner, to be a prophet to the nation's. Everything you have, everything that you have done, every word that you have ever spoken, it is because of me the Lord your God.

I the Lord your God, have now lifted the veil, Reiner. The scales have now fallen from your eyes. I have now given you truly the eyes to see and ears to hear. I planned for this moment now, for me to speak to you, I planned for this before the creation of the heavens and the earth. What I have placed inside of you is something utterly utterly utterly awe inspiring.

You are now going to transform Reiner, into MY glory carrier.

Nations will come bowing down to me because of your words, because of your prayers, because of your worship, because of the truth that I have put inside of you already, and now the truth that I have placed inside of you. I the Lord your God, I am the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I the Lord your God, have baptised you by my spirit. My spirit Reiner has now joined with your spirit to become one and you now can put to death your sin nature, the dictates of your sin nature. You will now glorify me, the Lord your God, Jesus Christ.

Your words Reiner, your prayers of intercession, are going to make leaders of the nations tremble. My beloved Son Reiner, you are going to be speaking prophetic words into the lives of the leaders of nations.

During your adult life, you have been coming up against powers and principalities in the demonic realm. You have been coming up against Goliath time and time again. The strongmen that have been in place upon nations, upon governments, upon institutions, upon police forces, upon the legal system, these strongmen have been some of the biggest strongmen in the spirit realm. But I am roaring in your life and in the lives of millions and millions of people.

I am the King of kings. I am the Lord of lords. I am the name above all names. I am the King of Glory. Every knee shall bow in my presence.

I am the one who breaks every chain of bondage.

I am the one who breaks every generational curse.

I am the one who breaks every ancestral curse.

I am the one that smashes the enemy into a million pieces.

I am the one who parts the seas.

I am the one that reaches down to the bottom of the deepest, darkest oceans to rescue my beloved sons and daughters from the clutches of the enemy.

I am the only one who saves.

I am the resurrection and the life.

My beloved fearfully and wonderfully made Son, Reiner, the calling upon your life from me is beyond anything you can imagine. Your eyes haven't seen, your ears haven't heard and your mind hasn't yet conceived what I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have got planned for you, and what I have got planned for everyone across the earth.

You are my glory carrier Reiner. Hundreds of millions of people walking the earth today are going to be led to my feet to surrender their life to me because of you. And because of what I have called you to do, I have already positioned you in a perfect place, ready now to live out your calling with your identity in me and in me alone. You are now going to start glorifying me. You are now going to start testifying of my goodness, of my greatness, of My Glory, of my redeeming power, of my salvation, of my peace which surpasses all understanding.

My glory is coming on to and upon the earth, across the entirety of the earth. My glory is coming. I am pouring my spirit upon all flesh, and you my beloved warrior Reiner, you have got a unique calling upon your life.

Each day your heart will hunger to draw closer to me. Each day as you read my word, as you speak my word, as you declare my word, as you decree my word, as you use my word in your prayers, your life is going to be truly profound. You will see now that I work in all things for good because you love me and because you live according to my purpose for you.

You will be crying tears of joy because of what I do in your life. You will be weeping tears of joy. You will be on your knees raising your arms to the air, thanking me the Lord your God you love Me with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your mind. My Agape love is now beginning to flow through you.

Peace, be still.


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