Exposing The Globe Deception Exposes Leviathan & Disarms Satan, Says The Lord
My beloved child, in early 2020, I the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, began to once again shake the heavens and the earth.
Everything that can be shaken is being shaken and will continue to be shaken.
My Word tells you and all my people across the earth in Colossians 2 verse 8, to “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after me, the Lord your God”.
For generations I have allowed my children to be spoiled through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after me, the kind of Glory.
There has been lie upon lie upon lie upon lie.
There has been deception upon deception upon deception upon deception.
There has been indoctrination upon indoctrination upon indoctrination upon indoctrination.
All these things have begun in my children's lives from when they were a little child.
I the King of Glory, I am destroying every single deception that my children have been subjected to, one by one by one.
The deception that I allowed to come into the world in 2020 has provided the awakening for hundreds of millions of my children who were living having been deceived by man throughout their entire lives.
My Word says in Romans 4 verse 4, “Let I the Lord your God be true, but every man a liar.”
My Word says in Galatians 6 verse 7, “Be not deceived. I the Holy One of Israel is not mocked.”
My Word says in Ephesians 5 from verse 10, “Carefully determine what pleases I, the Lord your God. Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness. Instead, expose them.”
My beloved child, as you and all my chosen people expose the deceptions of man, LEVIATHAN, the proudest of all the beasts, is exposed.
The biggest deceptions of man are all intrinsically linked…
The deception of the big bang billions of years ago.
The deception of the size and distance from the earth of the sun.
The deception of the planets and solar system.
The deception of the size and distance from the earth of the moon.
The deception of men walking on the moon.
The deception that the Earth is a spinning globe flying through an expanding universe.
The deception of the theory of evolution.
The deception of gravity.
My beloved child, Leviathan, the proudest of all the beasts, is being exposed when my people expose the globe deception.
This writhing serpent has a hold of so many people within my body.
This writhing serpent has a hold of so many people in positions of authority and influence within my body.
This writhing serpent seeks to intimidate and discourage my people from exposing the globe deception.
My beloved child, don't be intimidated in any way by your enemies. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed.
My beloved child, never let any man deceive you into thinking that exposing the globe deception is not important.
Exposing the globe deception sets my people free from living their life under a veil of deception that has come from man.
Exposing the globe deception leads those who I haven't yet set free into my Word, which is truth.
Exposing the globe deception leads non-believers to I the Lord your God, for I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no-one comes to the Father except through me.
Exposing the globe deception disarms Satan for having a grip over people's minds.
Exposing the globe deception exposes Leviathan, exposes pride and leads people to total and complete freedom in me, the Lord your God.
Remember, a lie IS a lie.
Deception IS deception.
Indoctrination IS indoctrination.
Satan IS the father of lies.
My promise to you and all my people across the earth who I have already set free from the globe deception, is that I will continue to set more and more men, women, teenagers and children's free from the globe deception.
In that day I the Lord will take my terrible, swift sword and punish Leviathan, the swiftly moving serpent, the coiling writhing serpent. I will kill the dragon of the sea again and again and again and again, as I continue setting my children free from a lifetime of indoctrination, says I, the King of Glory, the Holy One of Israel, the Sovereign Lord.