Heidi Davis, Trust Me As I Trust You To Begin Stewarding A New Move Of My Glory, Says The Lord

My beloved daughter Heidi Davis, I the Lord your God are revealing to you how I am now about to begin dramatically changing how you spend your precious time in me each and every day.

My beloved daughter, firstly I need you to begin comprehending just how PRECIOUS your time is.

Over the last few years you have lived your life in a WHIRLWIND.

By my Spirit in you, you have shown that you have immense capacity to handle so many different things simultaneously each day.

I have in fact given you a miraculous ability to keep many, many plates spinning simultaneously.

You have been like a whirlwind.

Your days have flown by.

You have been non-stop.

It is like you have hardly had time to breathe.

From when I first created my business Kingdom Come Home that I chose you to steward, the intensity of your life began moving on to a whole new level.

You have shown me how willing you are to serve me.

You have shown me how you have stopped at NOTHING to steward my business Kingdom Come Home.

You have shown me that you will stop at NOTHING to serve the customers of Kingdom Come Home.

My beloved daughter Heidi, you have shown me that you are my good and faithful servant.

As my business Kingdom Come Home has grown, for I am continuing to build my Kingdom upon the earth, I have brought some of my other precious daughters into your life to support what you have been doing.

You ever found that some of the women have been incredibly reliable, but some women have not been as reliable.

For you my beloved daughter Heidi, trusting others to play an important role maintaining, sustaining and growing Kingdom Come Home has been one of the hardest things for you.

I know how much this business means to you.

I know that you have been so desperate to steward Kingdom Come Home to the very best of your ability.

My beloved daughter Heidi, this growing business has consumed you.

During the remaining weeks of 2023 and as you head into the year 2024, I the Lord your God are going to be dramatically changing how you spend your time each day in me the Lord of lords, the King of kings, the King of glory.

I have told you that your time is so precious.

My beloved daughter, Heidi, I AM going to be taking away the busyness of you living your life in this whirlwind that you have lived in.

I the Lord your God are going to be bringing into your life, into Kingdom Come Home, more of my precious daughters that you can trust.

These daughters of mine I planned and ordained to bring to you before I created the heavens and the earth.

My daughters are not just going to be helpers. They are going to be destiny helpers, for my beloved daughter Heidi, your destiny is for you to have the time each day to minister to both men and women as my hands and feet.

Unlike over the last few years, where each day living in that whirlwind, so much of your time has been spent sustaining and growing Kingdom Come Home, my beloved daughter, your life is changing so dramatically, that you will see that every day your time is being spent truly building my Kingdom upon the earth.

You will see that I the Lord your God are taking care of Kingdom Come Home with my team of people that you can trust, and you my beloved daughter Heidi will have the time every day to continue building my Kingdom.

Every day you will have time to minister in a life-changing way to men, to women, to teenagers and to children.

Every day you will have time to speak prophetic words into the lives of others.

Every day you will have the time to share words of knowledge and words of wisdom that I have given you by my Spirit into other people's lives.

Every single day you will have the time to lay hands on those who are sick and those who have diseases of any kind, of those who need me to heal them.

Every single day you will have the time for me to use you to do miracle heart transplants in the lives of others, where I will take out of them their heart of stone and give them a new, tender responsive heart of flesh.

Every single day you will have the time for me to use you to set people free from living their life in total and utter darkness.

Every single day you will have the time for me to use you to deliver people from the addictions that are ruining their lives.

Every single day you will have the time to manifest my glory into the lives of others.

Every single day you will have the time to be truly intimate with me.

Every single day you will not feel rushed.

Every single day you will not be busy.

Every single day you will be walking in my glory.

Every single day when you wake in the morning, you will be able to say “Lord, use me today as your hands and feet”.

Every single day, as I continue to build and grow Kingdom Come Home, you will see through you my beloved daughter Heidi, I will continue to build and grow my Kingdom upon the earth.

On Tuesday the 10th of October 2023, I gave you a mere glimpse of how you are going to be experiencing life in me.

The gathering of believers that I ordained in your home, and the life-changing impact it had on your brothers and sisters who attended, is just the beginning.

It had been many months since you had had the time to plan and to arrange a similar kind of gathering.

You are already hungry to arrange and to host the next gathering of believers.

My beloved daughter Heidi, you will not be waiting six months.

You will not be waiting three months.

Within the next three months, as I am going to be divinely, profoundly, reducing the number of hours you spend each week stewarding Kingdom Come Home, you will begin to find you won't be living in a whirlwind, but instead, I give you the time to peacefully and perfectly plan and host the next gathering of believers at your home.

You will find my beloved daughter Heidi that I have placed a hunger and a desire in the hearts of your brothers and your sisters to want to meet together more and more regularly.

I am stirring up a fire inside of you, your children and your brothers and your sisters to want to meet together for fellowship, for breaking of bread, for worship ministry, for wisdom and revelation, more often and more often and more often.

My beloved daughter Heidi, I am going to be using you to demonstrate that I am once again bringing back my first church, as I described in my Word in Acts 2.

My beloved daughter Heidi, Kingdom Come Home is my business.

TRUST ME, my precious daughter.

Trust who I bring into your life to support and to steward Kingdom Come Home.

Trust me that I will not fail you.

Trust me, for my hand is in every single area of Kingdom Come Home.

Trust me.

Trust me, for I trust you to begin stewarding a new move of my glory in your life.

Watch and see as the message that I gave to you in September 2023 will be manifesting in your life more and more, just as my message to you here now will be manifesting in your life, for when I send my Word out it does not return to me void. It accomplishes ALL that I desire and it prospers everywhere that I send it.

My precious daughter Heidi, I am taking you from living your life in a daily whirlwind of stewarding Kingdom Come Home along with your family, to living your life each day truly building my Kingdom upon the earth as my hands and feet, as one of my glory carriers, says I Sovereign Lord.


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