John O'Looney, You Are My Glory Carrier, Says The Lord

My beloved John, I am so, so so proud of everything that you have been doing. Before I created the heavens and the earth I chose you. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations. Yes, to be a prophet to the nation's. I have anointed your head with oil. My hand is mighty upon you and your family. I chose you amongst 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of other funeral directors. I chose you, my beloved John, to carry my truth, to shine light into the darkness. To have my strength, to have my boldness, to have my conviction.

I formed you and I created you and I knitted you together in utter seclusion. I knew you before you were born. My beloved John, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I have put my spirit within you and the spirit that is within you is greater than the spirit that is in the world. Through everything that you have been seeing and going through, I have been refining you by fire. I am the mighty warrior that saves. I have placed my angels in place around you, around your business, around your home, around your family. I have given you my divine protection.

I have been using you to shine light and truth into the world. I my beloved John, the Lord your God, I am only just getting started in your life. I have positioned you in a place where your voice, your experiences, your testimony is going to reach millions and millions and millions of people across the entire earth.

I called you by name. I singled you out, I lifted you out of the miry clay. My beloved John I reached down to the bottom of the deepest darkest ocean to lift you out and to place you on me, the rock, the rock of all ages.

You are so precious in my eyes. The enemy has come relentlessly against you. The enemy has tried to take you out, the enemy tried to discredit you, the enemy has tried to keep you busy. The enemy has tried to get at your feelings, your emotions. But no, I the Lord your God, I have been with you through every second of these last two years and over every single second of your entire life. My beloved John, I the Lord your God, the King of Kings, the Lord of lords have carried you through every single dark valley. I've carried you in my arms through your darkest moments in your life. I have seen every tear that you have ever shed. I have seen your weeping and I have caught every single one of your tears in my bottle and my beloved John, because you have so with tears, you are truly going to be reaping with joy.

This year 2022 as I have prepared you for me to pour out My glory into your life. My beloved John, I have called you to be my glory carrier. I have called you to be a shining light into the hearts and minds of millions of people. I have been refining you by fire through your experiences of the last 18 months as you have been standing in the truth, standing up for justice, sharing the truth, sharing your experiences, being willing to take whatever has come your way. You have been surrounded by 10,000 enemies. You have been surrounded on all sides. But I the Lord your God have given you victory because the battle belongs to me. The weapons formed against you have not prospered. I am the mighty warrior that saves. You my beloved John, you can do all things through me who gives you strength. I have armed your hands for battle. My beloved John, you haven't yet been using my word which is sharper than a two-edged sword to absolutely obliterate the remaining enemies coming against you. The strongholds, the strongmen, the enemies that are working through the pillars of society that have been corrupted by sin, in media. But, my beloved John, I have now lifted the veil. The scales have now fallen from your eyes. I have now given you truly the eyes to see and the ears to hear, that I the Lord your God, I am your Lord and Saviour. I am the mighty warrior that saves. My hand is mighty upon you. I have called you by name. I have numbered every hair on your head. My thoughts for you John and your family outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore.

I have put my spirit in you and the spirit in you is greater than the spirit that is in the world, so you have NO fear. I have made a table for you in the presence of your enemies. But you have no fear because my perfect love, yes my perfect love expels ALL fear. I the Lord your God have not given you a spirit of fear but of power, of love and of sound mind. I have given you my beloved John a heart of flesh from a heart of stone. I am pouring into you right now, my spirit, yes you are being filled with my spirit. You are being baptised now by My Spirit. You are being born again by My spirit, and My Spirit will guide you my beloved John INTO ALL TRUTH. Your eyes and now wide open. You are going to be living in awe and wonder, you are going to be seeing me in everything in your life. There are miracles, signs and wonders coming into your life. I am pouring out my spirit into your life. You are going to be my glory carrier John, yes, my glory carrier. You are going to be speaking my Word through your tongue. I have placed fire on your tongue and when you speak my Word, My Word is sharper than any two-edged sword, and you will be seeing demons flee in my name.

My beloved John, your faith comes by hearing and hearing by my Word. Each day your heart's desire will be to come closer and closer and closer to me to hear my words, to read my word, to speak my word. John, my beloved for the first time in your life, from you receiving my Words here now, you will begin worshipping me and your Father in Heaven in spirit and in truth as you raise your arms to the air. You will feel an overwhelming gushing sensation of my love, of my joy, of my peace, of my patience, of my strength, of my forgiveness, of My Glory. Yes, my glory is coming upon you my beloved John. My glory. You are my glory carrier. I am going to be sending multitudes into your life. Millions of people are going to hear your testimony where you glorify me for every single thing that I have done in your life. Because I the Lord your God called you by name, set you apart. I chose you before the beginning of everything. Before I created the heavens and the earth I chose you to be a prophet to the nations, and in 2020, and in 2021 I the Lord your God have only just started in your life. From this moment on, as you resist the devil and he flees from you, as you seek My Kingdom or My righteousness first, all else will be given on to you.

The areas of your life, my beloved John, that had been dry, deserted wastelands, I am now flooding those dry wastelands with my living waters that are bursting forth from my stomach, for I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s armies for spoken. Rivers of living waters are coming into your life now, the areas of your life that have been dry, that have been hard, that have been frustrating, living waters are flowing into them right now. And my beloved John, what you have seen as impossible to change in your life, what has seemed like dry and crumbling bones, I the Lord of Heaven Armies, the Lord your God, I am now going into that valley of dry bones. And by my Words, those dry bones are rattling now. The dry bones are coming together as skeletons now, in your life. The dead is being brought to life. The spiritually dead family members in your life are coming to life now for I the Lord your God has spoken. There are skeletons now rising God as the dry bones have been rattling and coming together. And I now, under the sound of my voice, I am now putting flesh, muscles, skin on to these skeletons and I now the Lord your God the Lord of Heavens Armies, I am breathing by breath of life into these skeletons, into these bodies now. From the north winds, from the south winds, from the east winds, from the west winds. Yes. The dead are now coming to alive. You, My beloved John and your entire family. You are an army rising up in victory, in truth, in power, in glory. I have raised you all from dead to life, for I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s armies has spoken.

And in this place I bring peace. Peace, be still. Peace, be still. My beloved John and your entire family, the peace I give you is a gift the world cannot give you. Let your hearts not be troubled. My peace surpasses all understanding and guards your hearts and your minds in me, Christ Jesus.

You are mine, you and your family. You are all mine. I am now preparing to flood your life with experiences, with provisions, with breakthroughs, unlike anything you've ever experienced in your life before. My beloved John and your family, you will be in tears of joy. There will be tears flowing as my rivers of living waters are flowing through your life, as you are seeing me bring the most glorious experiences into your life. You will be weeping tears of joy. Yes, tears of joy. You will be worshipping me in spirit and in truth. You will be glorifying me.

People across the entire world, leaders will come to hear of you, and will come to hear of what you what I have done in your life.

I have appointed you to be a prophet to the nation's. You are mine. Beloved, John You are mine. I am the Lord your God.


Julia Hartley-Brewer, I Have Called You By Name For This Hour, Says The Lord


A Message From The Lord - This Is My Plan, My Agenda, My Reset, All For My Glory