Julia Hartley-Brewer, I Have Called You By Name For This Hour, Says The Lord

My beloved Julia, I am the Lord your God. I have called you by name. I have chosen you to be free and who the Son sets free is free indeed.

You are mine. My beloved Julia, you are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image. Before I created the Heaven’s and the earth, I chose you. I chose you to be a light shining in dark places. I chose you to have the platform on which you have been challenging people living in sin, living in darkness. I have anointed your head with oil. My hand is mighty upon you. You are so precious in my eyes.

My beloved Julia, what you have experienced in your life, what has come against you, millions of people walking the earth would not have been able to survive but I the Lord your God have given you my strength. I have carried you through every single second of your life. I have never stopped loving you. My grace has been upon your life. My mercy has been upon your life. And yes, my Agape love, my unfailing love for you has always been there for you. Now my beloved Julia, I have now lifted the veil completely. And now, my beloved Julia, the scales have completely fallen from your eyes. I have now given you the eyes to see and the ears to hear. I have put my spirit in you, and the Spirit that is in you is greater than the spirit that is in the world.

I have chosen you to be a prophet to the nations. Yes, a prophet to the nations. I have placed you in the industry where you are because you are going to be my glory carrier. No weapons that have been formed against you have prospered and no weapons that will ever form against you will prosper, because you beloved Julia, you resist the devil and he flees from you. You put on the full armour of God so that you can take a stand against the devil’s schemes. You can do ALL things through me the Lord your God, for I give you strength. Your strength Julia comes from me. I am the mighty warrior that saves.

I have reached down into the deepest, darkest ocean to rescue you from your enemies. I have redeemed you. I have rescued you. I have set you apart. I have lifted you out of the miry clay and put your feet on the solid rock, the rock of God, the rock of all ages. Yes, I am the Lord your God. I am the king of kings, the Lord of lords, I am your Lord and Saviour.

I have rescued you from the wide path of sin that leads to death and I have put you on to the narrow path through me, the Lord your God. I am the gate. I am the way, the truth and the life and you come to the Father through me, your Lord and Saviour. I have now baptised you by my spirit, my spirit has now joined with your spirit to become one. You will never, ever again be deceived by man. Any lie that tries to come into your eye gaze in your ear gaze, my spirit upon you will convict you and say no, I will say no, this is not from me. This message is not from me. This person is speaking a lie. This video is a lie. Because from this moment on, my beloved Julia, your faith will be in me and in me alone. You will love me with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, with all your strength. You will follow My will, you will follow My way because My way for your life is perfect, and over the last two years, I have been straightening out all your crooked paths. I have been refining you by fire. You have been in the refiner’s fire and I have been refining you seven times over, because no matter how hot the furnace has got, no matter how intensive your life battles have been, I the Lord your God have been in the fiery furnace with you like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and you have not been burnt up. You are coming out of the refiners fire now, not even smelling of smoke. Your identity Julia is in me, and in me alone. Yes, my beloved Julia, your identity is in me and in me alone.

I the Lord your God have only just begun getting started in your life. The things in your life, surrounding you, for you personally and for your loved ones, the things that have seemed dead and buried, the things that have seemed impossible, the health afflictions, the battles, the breakdowns. I am the God of miracles. I am the way maker and through my spirit, through my living waters, through my mighty hand, through my blazing coals, I am now breaking off you and your family the generational curses that have been upon your family, the ancestral curses. They are breaking now in my name, by the power of my voice and by my blazing coals coming forth from my mouth. The iron bars, the chains of bondage, they are all breaking now in my name and for My glory.

I am the chain breaker. I am the way maker. I am you and your family's Lord and Saviour. I surrendered my life on the cross for each and every one of you so that all your sins, the sins of your entire family across the family generations, they are all forgiven by my blood. I shed my blood on the cross for ALL your sins. You are now cleansed as white as snow. The enemy no longer has the legal rights over you and your family, for I the Lord of Heaven’s armies have spoken.

My beloved Julia, and your entire family, my thoughts for each and every one of you outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore. I have never stopped loving you, and I will never stop loving you, and from now you hearing My voice, My words, My words of life, my words of truth into your life, as you are now immersed by my spirit, you will not be worshipping me in spirit and in truth. You will be worshipping your Abba Father, in spirit and in truth, you will be raising your arms to the air, you will be falling to your knees, you will be weeping tears of joy, because you will see that I am working in all things and I have always worked in all things for good. Because you and your family, you love me and you live according to my purpose for you. You will now see, because I have given you the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you will now see me working and moving in your life throughout every day. You will see miracles, signs and wonders. You will be hearing from me, I will be speaking to you. I will be speaking to your family. The enemy will no longer be able to confuse you, to distract you because you will hear My voice, because My sheep know my voice. You are mine, I am the good shepherd, and you do not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of my mouth.

You will begin to see your life change dramatically my beloved Julia, because of where I have placed you. I have now given you ALL power and ALL authority to trample upon lions and cobras, and to to crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet. You have no fear because my perfect love expels all fear. I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind, and your weapons are not of the world on the country. They have divine power to break down strongholds, and you My beloved Julia have been seeing how mighty the strongholds have been. The strongholds within the government. The strongholds within the NHS. The strongholds within mainstream media. The strongholds within science. The strongholds that have been run by people living in sin, and planning and committing evil. But I am the chain breaker.

The weapons that you fight with my beloved Julia, are not of this world. On the contrary, they have divine power to break down all strongholds, and I have put my fire on your tongue, so as you speak my words in your prayers, as you declare and decree my words, because my Word to you know is that you can pray for anything by beloved Julia, and because you have faith, you will receive it. And you My beloved Julia, are going to be used by me the Lord of Heaven’s armies, to demolish demonic strongholds to smash strong men in the pillars of society that I have already connected you to. Government. Science. Healthcare. Yes. I have given you all the power and the authority in the spiritual realm. The demons do not know what is going to hit them through your prayers and through your worship, as you devour my words, your faith comes by hearing and hearing by my words.

You are mighty in my army. You are mighty. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image, and I the Lord your God have appointed you, my beloved Julia, to be a prophet to the nations. Be prepared, Julia, be prepared for me to leave you and your family and people across the world, as I leave you in awe and wonder, as my glory comes upon you, as my glory manifests in your life, as my miracles, signs and wonders come into your life and the lives of people that know you, that follow you, that watch you, that listen you listen to you.

Through all of this, you will be glorifying me, the Lord your God, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Alpha and the Omega. You will be giving me all the glory, all the praise and all the honour.

My beloved Julia, from this moment on, you will be walking by faith and not by sight and you can pray for anything, and because you have faith that I have given you, you will receive it.

Thank you, Julia, for being my faithful servant. I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s armies, has spoken.


Dan Astin-Gregory, I Have Chosen You To Bring Millions & Millions To Me, Says The Lord


John O'Looney, You Are My Glory Carrier, Says The Lord