Laurel and Andrew, You Have a Profound Calling To Minister To People Who Haven’t Hit Rock Bottom

Laurel and Andrew, this is the Lord your God. I'm sharing my message to you both and your precious daughter, through my servant Paul.

I am so, so proud of you both. I'm so proud for you opening your heart to me and for you to begin as you have been doing, serving me. I want you to know that I have only just gotten started moving in your lives. I have anointed your heads with oil, you both and your precious, beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made daughter.

Before I created the Heavens and the Earth, I chose to plan out every single moment of every single day of your entire family bloodlines. It was my divine plan to bring you together when I brought you together. Everything that you have is because of me. You are so precious in my eyes. I formed you, I created you, I knitted you both together in your mother's wombs, and I brought you forth on the day you were born. I have numbered every hair on your heads and my thoughts for you and your beautiful daughter outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore. It has been I the Lord your God that have carried you through your trials and your tribulations and through those dark valleys. It has been I the Lord your God that has protected you when you have been in the fire. When you have been feeling consumed and when you have been feeling surrounded on all sides, it is me and it has been my unfailing love for you all that has been surrounding you.

Before I created the Heavens and the Earth, as I was planning for these times that everyone upon the earth is living through now since 2020, my divine plan for your life's Laurel, Andrew and your daughter, has been to place a special calling upon your lives, and this calling is that you both and in time, your daughter, you are going to be ministering and sharing the Gospel more and more and more and more to men and women, to families who haven't hit rock bottom. I have chosen you to be a family where it didn't take you reaching rock bottom and feeling completely broken and helpless, for me to come into your life, for me to lift the veil, for me to remove the scales from your eyes.

For generations and generations, with how I have allowed everything to happen across the earth, it is most often been only when people have hit rock bottom that they have realised that I am the rock at the bottom, and right now, there are hundreds of millions of men and women walking the earth who haven't hit rock bottom, and they have lived their life without believing in me, without trusting in me, without desiring me, without turning to me, and they have been living their life feeling like they don't need me, that they have what they need. Yet they don't have anything until they have me. So, my beloved son Andrew and my beloved daughter Laurel, I am now opening you up more than you have experienced since you were saved by my grace. I am opening you up more for you to begin comprehending that there is a profound calling upon your life.

I have given you gifts, I have given you talents, which you have begun using to glorify me. You have been doing work for my Kingdom and I am so proud of you, but remember, I have only just gotten started moving in your life. My hand is mighty upon your life and your precious daughter. Your daughter too is going to be doing profound work for my Kingdom. Your daughter is going to be sharing me from her heart to her friends, to young children that I will be bringing into her life, to the children of families that I'm going to be bringing into your life. Your daughter is going to be sharing about Jesus, sharing about my goodness, sharing about my unfailing love.

I am calling you both now, my beloved Laurel, my beloved Andrew, to fix your eyes on me each and every day, to have an increasing hunger and a desire for my Word, to worship me in spirit and in truth more than you have done already, and to truly seek my Kingdom first and my righteousness, and all else will be given unto you.

As I am speaking to you both now, I am pouring into you my spirit, I am pouring into you more wisdom, more wisdom than you have had so far in your walk with me, more discernment, more of my love, more of my peace.

You will find as you move forward, as you are reading my Word, my Word will come alive more than it has done so far and that you will be gaining revelations through me, through my spirit, as you are reading my Word. My spirit that guides you into all truth will be leading you and directing you even more profoundly and precisely than it has done already, and there are going to be many many tears been shed by you both, but these will be tears of joy, these will be tears of breakthrough, these will be tears because I am answering your prayers, these will be tears because I'm giving you revelations about your life, about your family, about your extended family, and about what I am doing in your life.

And you will start to find that more than, more than ever before, as you listen to worship music, and as you worship me also, as you sing and praise, you will be in floods of tears. You will be in floods of tears, and I'm calling you to embrace everything that you experience because everything that you experience is part of my divine plan for your family's life. I am just beginning now to open up new doors for you as a family, and these doors that I am opening no man can shut.

So now I am calling you, more than you have done so far, I'm calling you to step off the boat in faith and to walk by faith and not by sight. I'm calling you now to let go of the remaining inhibitions that have been holding you back, my beloved Andrew. There are so, so, so many men walking the earth today, whom you are going to be ministering to, who through your testimony, through your story, through your love of Me, through the revelations that I have given you, through the healing that I have brought upon your life, there are many, many, many men that are going to hear from you, that are going to be brought to my feet because of hearing your story and your testimony.

As I am speaking to you both now, through my spirit I am giving you all the spiritual gifts. Yes, all the spiritual gifts. You will find yourself speaking prophetic words, you will find yourself having dreams and visions, and between you both you will be able to interpret those dreams and those visions. My spirit that is within you is greater than the spirit that is in the world, so you have no fear. I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind, and my perfect love expels all fear.

You my beloved son Andrew, my beloved daughter Laurel and your precious daughter, you can do all things through me who give you strength. What you are going to begin experiencing now, the more that you praise and worship me, the more that you hunger and a desire for drawing closer to me, your lives are truly going to be each day, profound. You are going to be seeing and experiencing and feeling my hand in every area of your life, in every moment. As you go about your days you will be seeing that I will show you signs, you will suddenly look at a sign, signage on a truck, you will turn to something, you will hear something, and it will be me speaking to you. You will know that it is me. You will know that I am working in all things for good because you love me, because you live according to my purpose for you. My way is perfect, and over this last few years I have been straightening out all your crooked paths. It was I the Lord your God that reached out to the bottom of the deepest darkest ocean to rescue you from your enemies to set you free. And so now I have you in the perfect place that I planned for before the creation of the heavens and the earth.

Both you and your beloved daughter, My beloved child, I have called you to be my glory carriers. Yes, you are my glory carriers. You are my hands and feet. My love is going to be radiating through you, through, through your eyes, through your smiles, through the words that you speak, through the compassion, through the empathy, through the love that you show unto others, because there are many, many people that I'm going to be bringing into your lives, and know that this is my divine world. But know also that through my spirit being upon you, I am now giving you pure discernment for you to know when there is someone that is coming into your life that could be a distraction. My Spirit will convict you. My Spirit will lead you and guide you so that you spend your time each day, your precious time, serving me, glorifying me and following my will.

Thank you my beloved daughter Laurel and my beloved son, Andrew. Thank you for beginning to serve me. Thank you for everything that you have done for my Kingdom, and I thank you for following my calling upon your life. Be prepared, because your eyes haven't seen, your ears haven't heard and your mind hasn;t conceived what I the Lord your God have got planned for you both and you all as a family.

I am putting my fire upon your tongue, because my Word is sharper than any two-edged sword, so you will now begin to see more than you have already, that when you speak my word with authority, with faith, you will start to see things shift and things move unlike you have seen before. I have given you all the authority to trample upon lions and cobras and to crush fears lions and serpents under your feet. You are going to be doing mighty, mighty, mighty work for my Kingdom, as you come up against the powers and principalities of darkness. There is nothing you can't do, because it is not you that live, but I that live in you.

Thank you, my beloved servants, Laurel and Andrew, for I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, has spoken.


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