See The World & People Through My Eyes & Not Your Own Eyes, Says The Lord
My beloved child, I desire for you to experience an increasing amount of your time each day seeing the world through my eyes and not your eyes.
When you are seeing the world through your eyes, you can so easily be consumed with the circumstances of your life, the trials in your life, the battles going on in your life, the things of earth, things in the physical realm.
When you are seeing the world through my eyes, your experience of life begins to dramatically change.
When you are seeing the world through my eyes, you can begin to be my hands and feet upon the earth.
When you are seeing the world through my eyes, you are seeing people as I see people. I created them. I formed them. I brought them forth on the day they were born. I have put my breath into them. I have numbered every hair on their head. I know what they are going to say before they even say it. I surrendered my life on the cross for them. I shed my blood on the cross so that they can be forgiven for all their sins.
When you are seeing people through my eyes, you begin to truly love your neighbour as yourself.
When you are seeing people through my eyes, you are not judging, you are not critiquing, you are not condemning, you are not comparing, but you have a passion and a desire within you by my Spirit for them to come to know me.
Remember, my Word tells you freely give as you are freely received.
You have received salvation by grace through your faith in me, for I chose you. You didn't choose me, so you can never boast about it.
You know that everyone who calls on my name will be saved. But how can the people that you see each day in your life moving forward call on me to save them unless they believe in me? And how will they believe in me unless they know about me? And how will they know about me unless someone tells them? And how will someone go and tell them unless they are sent? That is why the Scriptures say “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news.”
My beloved child, I have called you and I have chosen you to be one of my disciples. I have chosen you to be my hands and feet and you are receiving my words now, for I desire for you to experience more and more and more of your life each day moving forward, seeing the world through my eyes and not your own, and seeing people through my eyes and not your own.
Will you go?
Can I send you?
Are you willing to overcome your fear of man and live only with a reverent fear of me the Lord your God?
Are you truly willing to cling to me and me alone, rather than clinging to your life? For if you cling to your life you will lose it, but if you lose your life for me you will receive life.
Remember, your purpose on earth is to be one of my disciples, to be my hands and feet, to be one of my increasing number of men, women and children across the earth who I have called and who I have chosen to be my glory carriers.