Stepping Out Is Stepping Up
There are seasons and there are times, where we are called to wait upon the Lord and many times that is true. Many prophetic words are being spoken forth, where we are being called to sit at His feet and be in His Presence. To let Him wash our hearts, heal our hearts, change our hearts or for some, be given a new heart and thats a good thing. But Sometimes, what was meant to be a good thing, is the very thing that can cause a detour or derailment in our spiritual walk and can actually cause one to become become immobilized or paralyzed.
I love that I can be in Gods Presence cleaning, walking, shopping, reading and visiting with others. Yes, we can be still, pray, intercede for others, worship, study, be in our War Room or on our face crying out to Him, too. He can and will use all these different ways to worship Him and He loves it.
We are made perfect in Him and still God wants to use some of us right where we are at, imperfections and all. The Word says obedience is better than sacrifice. This certainly sheds a new light of understanding on those words. It seems many churches want to focus on fixing the old man, when God wants us to see we are new creations thru Jesus Christ. Only God can change, heal or give us a new heart, not man's programs or religiosity. Tho those can be useful, at times
Sometimes, we need to discern its a religious spirit that wants to hold us back, by whispering its lies that we have to study more, do more and be more spiritual and holy. Some of you are waiting and wasting your lives away, waiting to reach some type of destination, pinnacle, approval or timing. When the Lord says its His perfect timing, now. Its time for some of us to arise and shine. Many of us keep seeing the ball in Gods court, when God says He is waiting on us. We are not to be a light hidden.
So, what are you waiting for and what is holding you back from stepping into your destiny.