Uncharted Waters And Unexpected Transitions In This Kairos Season
Dec 26, 2023
We are in a kairos moment. The question is what will we do with it? By definition, "kairos" is when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action. We are there.
Within this kairos season, there is much transition taking place—and there is a reason. God is moving people into positions we would never have sought or imagined but are necessary for this critical juncture in history. Is it because others, perhaps more qualified, were unwilling to fill these positions? Perhaps. I don't know. But here we are.
Are You Willing?
The question is are you willing to obey and be used by God in ways never expected? Transition is something we rarely seek, because change can be hard and uncomfortable. It can be exciting and frightening all at the same time. But if we remain in a season that is over, we become irrelevant. Then we have to work to create the life and momentum that previously was an easy flow.
When we stay in a job, ministry, position, or continue to do something in which the kairos time has concluded, so will the grace to accomplish it. It is much like when we try to recreate revival by utilizing the methods familiar to us from the previous revival. But when we do that, we may find ourselves using old wine and old wine skins, unwilling to embrace the new. God rarely does things exactly the same way as before. He often requires that we step out by faith.
In this kairos season, we must be willing to lean in to the Spirit to hear His voice and instruction, to trust even as we walk an unfamiliar road.
Uncharted Waters: The Promise of Abram
Consider when the Lord instructed Abram: "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you" (Genesis 12:1, NIV). No map. No instruction book. Just the word "Go" and a general direction of where. BUT with that obedience, God promised a blessing: "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on Earth will be blessed through you" (Genesis 12:2-3). It simply required that Abram trust God in that kairos moment and move forward by faith—not later, then.
Have you sensed God telling you to move into unchartered waters but have been hesitant, even unwilling? Take a moment and stop. Ask God if you are where you are supposed to be in this season, or holding tightly to the last.
Unexpected Transition
One of the most challenging transitions I experienced was while working for a ministry I loved, with people I loved, doing what I loved. And then suddenly it was cut off. I was hurt and perplexed, but God immediately spoke to my heart, "This is not going to restore." It was so clear, it was as if He was in the room with me. I found myself suddenly in an unexpected transition, and I didn't know where to go next.
However, in hindsight, I recognize how God used it to propel me into a direction I would have never stepped into on my own had the previous door not closed. Why? Because we get comfortable and enjoy where we are. Sometimes, in order to move us into a new position, we get moved out of another. Does God cause it, or just use it? Does that really matter? I've learned to stop asking those questions.
Where Is God Leading You? Walk in Obedience!
Do you feel God is moving you out of one place and into another? Or, like me, have you been kicked out of the nest and made to fly? Don't fret. Ask God where He wants you and be willing to move.
It is those of us who are willing to walk in obedience and step into the unknown—where we are stretched further than we thought possible—that will see the miraculous. It doesn't mean it will be a cakewalk, but it is where life, blessing, and momentum of the Spirit are multiplied.
Where is God leading you? Has He been speaking to your heart about change? We are in a kairos moment—a critical, opportune moment. Let's embrace the transition and, like Abraham, be willing to obey, even when we don't know where that will lead.