Denise Welch, Through Your Testimony Millions of People Are Going To Be Led Into Tears, Says The Lord

My beloved daughter, Denise. I am the Lord your God. I have called you by name Denise, to be a prophet to the nations. I have carried you in my arms throughout every moment of your life.

My beloved Denise, you are so, so, so precious in my eyes. You are the apple of my eye. Before I created the heavens in the earth I chose to form you, to create you, to knit you together in your mother's womb in utter seclusion, and I chose to bring you forth on the day you were born. I planned your entire family generational history and I have seen every single battle that you and every single member of your family that are here today and no longer here today, I have seen every single battle that they have ever been through. I have seen every single one of your pains, of your turmoils, of your heartache, of your grief, of your loss, and my beloved daughter Denise, I have seen every single tear that you have ever shed. You and every member of your family, and I have captured every single one of those tears in my bottle.

There is only I the Lord your God that know what you have been through, to know what you have experienced, to know what you have lived through. It has been I the Lord your God that has given you the strength through every single battle you have ever been, through so through every single moment of heartache, of pain, of turmoil. All those times my beloved Denise, when you felt like giving up, it has been I the Lord your God that has carried you. When you have felt helpless, I have helped you. When you have felt hopeless, it is I the Lord your God that has given you hope, even though you didn't realise it was me.

I have always loved you with my Agapre love, my unfailing love for you, and I will always love you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in my image. My beloved daughter Denise, what you have experienced coming against you over the last two years, millions and millions and millions of people around the world would not have been able to cope with. The enemy has come at you relentlessly. My beloved Denise, you have been on the front line in the spiritual battle. You didn't even realise it was a spiritual battle.

The enemies have come relentlessly against you. Your enemies are demons working through people and they have come relentlessly at you. You have been mocked, you have been slandered, people have lied about you, people have judged you, people have tried to condemn you. There has been nastiness, bitterness, rage, anger, deceit. Totally, totally, totally shocking behaviour.

But, before I created the heavens in the earth, before I planned out every day of your life, I the Lord your God knew every single thing that would ever be spoken about you, and I the Lord your God chose you to now in 2022 and for every single year for the rest of your life, I chose you to be my glory carrier.

Your journey my beloved daughter, Denise, and your testimony is going to be heard by millions and millions of people across the earth. You are a warrior Denise, you are a mighty warrior in my army, and I placed truth within you which is why you have been speaking out for nearly two years. I have been with you as you have been in the fire. You have been in the fiery furnace, you have been in the refiners fire. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, as you have been in the fiery furnace, and as the enemy that I have allowed to turn the heat up and up and up, I the Lord your God have been in the fiery furnace with you and you have not been burnt up, because I the Lord your God have anointed your head with oil. My hand is mighty upon you. My Divine protection is upon you my beloved daughter Denise, and you know are ready to come out of the refiners fire.

I have been refining you seven times over. I have had you in waiting, waiting for this moment now, for me to speak to you now. I the Lord your God have put my spirit within you. And the Spirit within you Denise is greater than the spirit that is in the world.

You have no fear, my perfect love expels all fear. Denise, I the Lord your God, the Lord of Heaven’s armies, I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power, of love and ever sound mind. Right now, My beloved daughter Denise, I am healing your brokenness. I am healing every pain, every wound, every trauma that you have been carrying. I know every single feeling, every emotion you have ever had, that you have right now and I am now pouring into you my spirit. I am now filling you with my spirit. I am now baptising you in my spirit. My spirit has now joined with your spirit to become one.

My beloved daughter Denise, you are no longer a slave to your sin nature. You are no longer a slave to fear. You are my child. The peace I give you Denise is a gift the world cannot give you. Your days of struggling with your mind, with your thoughts, with your feelings, those days are over, says I the Lord your God. My peace Denise, surpasses all understanding and it guards your heart and your mind in me Christ Jesus.

Peace be still. Peace be still. Peace be still.

My beloved daughter Denise, let the tears flow because these tears now, these are tears of joy. These are tears of breakthrough. These are tears because you now know that your identity is in me, your Lord and Saviour, and nothing else. I have reached out to the bottom of the deepest, darkest ocean to rescue you. I have lifted you out of the miry clay and put your feet on me, the rock of all ages.

The enemy has tried to take you out. The enemy has been desperate to take you out, but it is I the Lord your God that has carried you and held you in my arms. I have written in my book every day of your life. I the Lord your God have numbered every hair on your head My beloved daughter Denise, my thoughts for you outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore. I know when you stand up and when you sit down. I am with you when you are awake or when you are asleep. My presence is always with you. My spirit is now truly within you.

I am pouring into you now the fruit of the spirit. You are know being filled with more love than you have ever experienced before, more peace than you have ever had before, more joy than you have ever had before, more patience than you have ever had before.

Forgiveness unlike anything you have ever had before.

Gladness like you have never had before.

Faithfulness like you have never had before.

And self control like you have never had before.

These are all from me. These are my gifts to you. You have sown with tears, my beloved daughter Denise, you have sown with many, many, many, many tears, and you are now going to reap with joy.

My beloved, fearfully a wonderfully my daughter Denise, from my belly, I the Lord your God are now flowing rivers of living waters into your life, every single area of your entire life. Your mind, your body, your spirit, your circumstances, your home, your family, your finances. Living waters are now flowing through everywhere. What were once dry, barren wastelands are now being flooded with my living waters for I the Lord your God have spoken.

From this moment on Denise, from reading my words to you, from hearing my words, each day you will be experiencing my presence. Each day I will be drawing you closer and closer to me. Each day, you will have a hunger and a desire to read my word, to hear my word, to speak my word, to declare my word, to decree by word, to shoot my word into areas of darkness.

Your faith Denise comes by hearing and hearing by my word. I am the Lord your God and I am the bread of life, and you do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from my mouth. I am now transforming you with my word. I am now renewing your heart and your mind with my words spoken to you, my beloved daughter Denise.

I am the mighty warrior that saves. My beloved daughter Denise, I have given you all the power in the spiritual realm. I have given you all authority to trample upon lions and cobras and to crush fears lions and serpents under your feet.

Denise you can do all things through me who gives you strength. I have placed you exactly where you are today, and I have brought the people into your life that I have, because now as you now become my glory carrier, as you now begin to talk about me and to glorify me, you are going to see breakthrough in your life. You are going to be seeing those that have come against you turn back in shame. The people that have come against you have been the vessels for the enemy, but now you will see that my hand is mighty upon you, and that the battle belongs to me, and through you, through your words, through your prayers, through you speaking my words, as you resist the devil and he flees from you, as you put on the full armour of God so that you can take a stand against the devil schemes, you will see that your enemies will be smashed into smithereens. Demonic powers, principalities, strongmen, generational curses, ancestral curses, relentless enemies, demons that have come against you. I the Lord your God, through your words of prayer and intercession, you will see that I am going to smash and obliterate every single one of your enemies. They are all going to turn back around in shame as you speak my word, as you glorify Me, the Lord of Heaven’s armies, the Lord your God.

You have power on your tongue Denise. I have put the fire of my Holy Spirit upon your tongue.

Mountains are going to shake through your words of prayer.

The sea is going to be parted by your words of prayer.

The heads of Goliath are going to be taken off with one spoken word from you.

My beloved daughter Denise, there are going to be millions of people across the earth that you will bring to my feet through your story, through your testimony, through all the trials and tribulations where the enemy has tried to take you out, through all your battles with your mind.

Your testimony, my beloved Denise, is going to speak to millions of people. Through your testimony millions of people are going to be led into tears. My precious children who have been following you, who have been watching you, who have been supporting you, who have experienced some of the things that you have been through in your earlier years, my children who have also suffered with their unsettled mind, my children who have previously been diagnosed with a mental health affliction, my children who haven't been diagnosed with a mental health affliction, but who have suffered with anxiety, with depression, with fear, with bipolar, with schizophrenia, with PTSD, these are all worldly names, and my name is the name above all names. And through my precious children across the world who have been following you, through them reading these words that I'm speaking to you now, they too, will be brought into floods of tears because they too, are mine. I am pouring my spirit out upon all flesh. I have everyone walking the earth in the palm of my hand.

My Agape love is now flowing into hundreds of millions of people's lives as I speak these words. My glory is coming upon the earth in 2022.

You my beloved Denise, my daughter, I am raising you up along with all my other sons and daughters to be mighty warriors in my army, and I am the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

I am the King of Glory.

I am the king of kings.

I the Lord of lords.

I am your healer, Denise. I am the world's healer.

I surrendered my life on the cross for every single person who has ever walked the earth, who is walking the earth today and who will ever walk the earth. I bore the sins of the world upon my back, and by the stripes on my bike, you are healed.

I am the resurrection and the life.

I am the gate.

I am the good shepherd.

I am the true vine.

I am the same yesterday, today and forever.

I am the light of the world.

I am the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father except through me.

And you my beloved daughter Denise, your entire family and every single person that I have chosen and called by name, you are all mine, says I the Lord of Heavens Armies, the Lord your God.


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